понедельник, 24 февраля 2014 г.

Hate Speech in the Internet

Hate speech it is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of e.g. race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. A plurality of the hate speech spread in the internet. We all can often see this in social networks: facebook, Vkontakte and numerous forums.
For today the most well-known forms of prejudice and discrimination (on the project) are: racism, sexism, homophobia (negative prejudice against homosexuality), ageism (prejudice against the elderly).
According to the theory G. Allport (Allport's Scale of Prejudice and Discrimination [1]), components of prejudice and discrimination includes five stages: 1) verbalization (jokes, insults), 2) avoidance, 3) discrimination (with the exception of certain areas of social life), 4) acts of violence, 5) destruction (destruction of the group).
As a psychologist, I can explain it sewerage aggressive energy to the independent objects. Sewerage aggression can be just transfer it to another form, less dangerous. So, better to curse than to fight or maim yourself, or better yet - to vent his anger on an inanimate object.
In real life and in the internet I personally met with many hate pictures and discussions of the discrimination. In looking for work I often putting limitations of the sex. (for example I’m putting this pictures)

To reduce prejudice, social psychologists use such mechanisms and ways as awareness and recognition of prejudice; contact between groups having equal status and having common interests ("contact hypothesis"), a special method of cooperative learning ("mosaic class").

I find useful of social practices PSAs videos, social movement among the youth for free right and free speech (for example: https://www.facebook.com/nohatespeech, https://vk.com/public60487140 ).

Now - what concerns psychic protection. Must be avoided by people close to you normally feel exhausted and irritated. Do not let these people were too close to you, violating your personal space, the more you touched. If it is possible, just say goodbye and leave. In the case of online discussion and abuse (trolling) is also avoided and better not to give in on provocation.
I agree with Erich Fromm‘s vision of human development perspective. He saw the transformation of modern "sick society" based on creating the conditions for self-realization and creativity of man ("humanist radicalism" from the domination of the love of life) [2].

1. Allport,Gordon (1954). The Nature of Prejudice. Addison-Wesley.
2. Erich Fromm (1973) The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness 

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